JOHBOC 日本遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌総合診療制度機構 | 編


-2. 乳癌領域
-3. 卵巣癌領域
-4. 前立腺癌領域
-5. 膵癌領域
-6. 悪性黒色腫領域
-7. 疫学領域


-2. 乳癌領域

BQ1((Genetic Testing[Majr]) AND (Breast Neoplasms[Majr]) AND (brca[TW])) AND (English[LA] OR Japanese[LA]) AND 1994/01[DP] : 2020/03[DP]PubMed
(((((乳房腫瘍/TH) and (BRCA/AL) and (遺伝的サービス/TH))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く))) and (PT=原著論文,総説)医中誌
BQ2((Mastectom*[TW] AND “nipple sparing”[TIAB]) AND (BRCA*[TW] OR hereditary breast[TW] OR ((heredit*[tiab] OR inherit*[tiab] OR genet*[tiab] OR familial*[tiab] OR mutat*[tiab]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms]))) AND (English[LA] OR Japanese[LA]) AND 1994/01[DP] : 2020/03[DP]PubMed
((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL)))) and ((乳輪/TA) or (乳頭/TA)))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く)医中誌
BQ3(((BRCA*[TW] OR hereditary breast[TW] OR ((heredit*[tiab] OR inherit*[tiab] OR genet*[tiab] OR familial*[tiab] OR mutat*[tiab]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND (“Mammaplasty”[Mesh] OR “Breast Implants”[Mesh] OR “Organ Sparing Treatments”[Mesh] OR reconstruction*[TIAB])) AND (prophylactic[TW] OR risk-reducing[TIAB])) AND (English[LA] OR Japanese[LA]) AND 1994/01[DP] : 2020/03[DP]PubMed
((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL)))) and ((乳房形成術/TH or 乳房再建/AL)))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く)医中誌
CQ1((BRCA*[TW] OR hereditary breast[TW] OR ((heredit*[tiab] OR inherit*[tiab] OR genet*[tiab] OR familial*[tiab] OR mutat*[tiab]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND ((mastectomy[TW]) OR (surgery[TW])) AND ((risk-reducing[TIAB]) OR (prophylactic[TW]) OR (CRRM[TIAB])) AND (contralateral[TIAB])) AND (English[LA] OR Japanese[LA]) AND 1994/01[DP] : 2020/03[DP]PubMed
#1 (BRCA):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#2 (heredit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#3 (inherit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#4 (genet*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#5 (familial*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#6 (mutat*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#7 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6
#8 (breast):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#9 (cancer):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#10 #7 AND #8 AND #9
#11 (mastectomy):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#12 contralateral OR CRRM
#13 #10 AND #11 AND #12
((((((((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL)))) and ((乳房切除術/TH or 乳房切除/AL)))) and (PT=会議録除く))) and (DT=1994:2020))) and (CK=ヒト)))医中誌
CQ2((BRCA*[TW] OR hereditary breast[TW] OR ((heredit*[tiab] OR inherit*[tiab] OR genet*[tiab] OR familial*[tiab] OR mutat*[tiab]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND ((mastectomy[TW]) OR (surgery[TW])) AND ((risk-reducing[TIAB]) OR (prophylactic[TW]) OR (BRRM[TIAB])) AND (bilateral[TIAB])) AND (English[LA] OR Japanese[LA]) AND 1994/01[DP] : 2020/03[DP]PubMed
#1 (BRCA):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#2 (heredit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#3 (inherit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#4 (genet*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#5 (familial*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#6 (mutat*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#7 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6
#8 (breast):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#9 (cancer):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#10 #7 AND #8 AND #9
#11 (mastectomy):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#12 bilateral OR BRRM
#13 #11 AND #12
#14 #13 NOT pubmed:an
((((((((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL)))) and ((乳房切除術/TH or 乳房切除/AL)))) and (PT=会議録除く))) and (DT=1994:2020))) and (CK=ヒト)))医中誌
CQ3((BRCA*[TW] OR hereditary breast[TW] OR ((heredit*[tiab] OR inherit*[tiab] OR genet*[tiab] OR familial*[tiab] OR mutat*[tiab]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND ((“Mastectomy, Segmental”[Mesh]) OR ((conserv*[TIAB]) AND (surgery[TW])))) AND (English[LA] OR Japanese[LA]) AND 1994/01[DP] : 2020/03[DP]PubMed
#1 (BRCA):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#2 (heredit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#3 (inherit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#4 (genet*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#5 (familial*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#6 (mutat*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#7 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6
#8 (breast):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#9 (cancer):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#10 #7 AND #8 AND #9
#11 (mastectomy):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#12 segmental OR conserv*
#13 #10 AND #11 AND #12
((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL)))) and ((乳房温存/AL) or ([乳房温存療法]/TH)))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く)医中誌
CQ4、CQ5((((BRCA*[TW] OR hereditary breast[TW] OR ((heredit*[tiab] OR inherit*[tiab] OR genet*[tiab] OR familial*[tiab] OR mutat*[tiab]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND ((diagnostic imaging[SH]) OR (“Diagnostic Imaging”[Mesh])) AND ((surveillance[TIAB] OR screening[TW]) OR (“Early Diagnosis”[Mesh]))) AND ((risk[TW]) OR (sensitiv*[TIAB] OR sensitivity and specificity[MeSH]))) AND (English[LA] OR Japanese[LA]) AND 1994/01[DP] : 2020/03[DP]) AND (“Breast Neoplasms”[Mesh] OR “breast cancer”[TIAB])PubMed
#1 (BRCA):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#2 (heredit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#3 (inherit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#4 (genet*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#5 (familial*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#6 (mutat*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#7 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6
#8 (breast):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#9 (cancer):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#10 #7 AND #8 AND #9
#11 (surveillance):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#12 (screening):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#13 #11 or #12
#14 (‘magnetic resonance’ or MRI):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#15 mammmography or tomosynthesis or ultrasonography (Word variations have been searched)
#16 #14 or #15
#17 #10 and #13 and #16
#18 #17 with Publication Year from 1994 to 2020, in Trials
(((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL)))) and (((集団サーベイランス/TH or サーベイランス/AL)) or ((集団検診/TH or スクリーニング/AL)) or ((MRI/TH or MRI/AL))))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く)) and ((乳房腫瘍/TH) and (SH=画像診断,X線診断,放射性核種診断,超音波診断))医中誌
CQ6((((BRCA*[TW] OR hereditary breast[TW] OR ((heredit*[tiab] OR inherit*[tiab] OR genet*[tiab] OR familial*[tiab] OR mutat*[tiab]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND (“Ovariectomy”[Mesh] OR “Salpingo-oophorectomy”[Mesh] OR oophorectomy[TIAB])) AND (risk-reducing[TIAB] OR prophylactic[TIAB])) AND (English[LA] OR Japanese[LA]) AND 1994/01[DP] : 2020/03[DP]) AND (risk[TW])PubMed
#1 (BRCA):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#2 (heredit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#3 (inherit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#4 (genet*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#5 (familial*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#6 (mutat*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#7 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6
#8 (breast):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#9 (cancer):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#10 #7 AND #8 AND #9
#11 (ovariectomy):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#12 (Salpingo-oophorectomy):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#13 RRSO
#14 #11 OR #12 OR #13
#15 #10 AND #14
((((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL)))) and (((卵管卵巣摘出術/TH or 卵管卵巣摘出/AL)) or (RRSO/AL)))) and (PT=会議録除く))) and (DT=1994:2020)医中誌
CQ7(((BRCA*[TW] OR hereditary breast[TW] OR ((heredit*[tiab] OR inherit*[tiab] OR genet*[tiab] OR familial*[tiab] OR mutat*[tiab]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND (tamoxifen[TW])) AND ((“Chemoprevention”[Mesh] OR chemoprevent*[TIAB]) OR (prevent*[TW]))) AND (English[LA] OR Japanese[LA]) AND 1994/01[DP] : 2020/03[DP]PubMed
#1 (BRCA):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#2 (heredit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#3 (inherit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#4 (genet*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#5 (familial*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#6 (mutat*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#7 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6
#8 (breast):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#9 (cancer):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#10 #7 AND #8 AND #9
#11 (tamoxifen):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#12 #10 AND #11
#13 chemoprevent* OR prevent*
#14 #12 AND #13
((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL)))) and ((Tamoxifen/TH or タモキシフェン/AL)))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く)医中誌
CQ8(((BRCA*[TW] OR hereditary breast[TW] OR ((heredit*[tiab] OR inherit*[tiab] OR genet*[tiab] OR familial*[tiab] OR mutat*[tiab]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND (“Platinum Compounds”[Mesh] OR platinum[TW] OR cisplatin[TW])) AND (advanced[TIAB] OR metastatic[TIAB] OR “Neoplasm Metastasis”[MH] OR “Neoplasm Recurrence, Local”[MH])) AND (English[LA] OR Japanese[LA]) AND 1994/01[DP] : 2020/03[DP]PubMed
#1 (BRCA):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#2 (heredit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#3 (inherit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#4 (genet*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#5 (familial*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#6 (mutat*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#7 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6
#8 (breast):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#9 (cancer):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#10 #7 AND #8 AND #9
#11 advanced OR metasta*
#12 (platinum):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#13 (cisplatin):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#14 #12 OR #13
#15 #10 AND #11 AND #14
((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL)))) and (((白金/TH or プラチナ/AL)) or (platinum/TA)))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く)医中誌
CQ9((BRCA*[TW] OR hereditary breast[TW] OR ((heredit*[tiab] OR inherit*[tiab] OR genet*[tiab] OR familial*[tiab] OR mutat*[tiab]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND (“Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibitors”[Mesh] OR “Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibitors” [Pharmacological Action]) AND (advanced[TIAB] OR metastatic[TIAB] OR “Neoplasm Metastasis”[MH] OR “Neoplasm Recurrence, Local”[MH])) AND (English[LA] OR Japanese[LA]) AND 1994/01[DP] : 2020/03[DP]PubMed
#1 (BRCA):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#2 (heredit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#3 (inherit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#4 (genet*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#5 (familial*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#6 (mutat*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#7 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6
#8 (breast):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#9 (cancer):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#10 #7 AND #8 AND #9
#11 advanced OR metasta*
#12 (Polymerase):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#13 PARP-1
#14 #12 OR #13
#15 #10 AND #11 AND #14
((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL)))) and ((“Poly (ADP-Ribose) Polymerase-1″/TH) or (PARP/TA)))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く)医中誌
FQ1(((randomized controlled trial[pt] OR controlled clinical trial[pt] OR randomized[tiab] OR placebo[tiab] OR clinical trials as topic[mesh:noexp] OR randomly[tiab] OR trial[ti] NOT (animals[mh] NOT humans[mh])) AND (((BRCA*[TW] OR hereditary breast[TW] OR ((heredit*[tiab] OR inherit*[tiab] OR genet*[tiab] OR familial*[tiab] OR mutat*[tiab]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND (Chemotherapy, Adjuvant[Mesh])) OR ((BRCA*[TW] OR hereditary breast[TW] OR ((heredit*[tiab] OR inherit*[tiab] OR genet*[tiab] OR familial*[tiab] OR mutat*[tiab]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND ((Platinum Compounds[Mesh]) OR (“Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibitors”[Mesh] OR Poly ADP-ribose polymerase 1 inhibitor*[TIAB]) OR (denosumab[TW]) OR (checkpoint[TIAB]))))) AND (English[LA] OR Japanese[LA]) AND 1994/01[DP] : 2020/03[DP]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH])PubMed
((((((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL))))) and (SH=薬物療法))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く))) and (PT=原著論文,総説)) or (((((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL))))) and (SH=薬物療法))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く)) and ((白金/TH) or (プラチナ/TA) or (“Poly (ADP-Ribose) Polymerase-1″/TH) or (免疫チェックポイント/TA) or (PARP/TA)))医中誌
FQ2(((BRCA*[TW] OR hereditary breast[TW] OR ((heredit*[tiab] OR inherit*[tiab] OR genet*[tiab] OR familial*[tiab] OR mutat*[tiab]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND (tamoxifen[TW])) AND ((“Chemoprevention”[Mesh] OR chemoprevent*[TIAB]) OR (prevent*[TW]))) AND (English[LA] OR Japanese[LA]) AND 1994/01[DP] : 2020/03[DP]PubMed
((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL)))) and ((化学予防/TH or 化学予防/AL)))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く)医中誌
FQ3(((BRCA*[TW] OR hereditary breast[TW] OR ((heredit*[tiab] OR inherit*[tiab] OR genet*[tiab] OR familial*[tiab] OR mutat*[tiab]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND (“Radiotherapy”[Mesh] OR “radiotherapy”[Subheading])) AND (English[LA] OR Japanese[LA]) AND 1994/01[DP] : 2020/03[DP]) AND (“Breast Neoplasms/radiotherapy”[Mesh]) AND mastectomy[TW]PubMed
((((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL))))) and (SH=放射線療法)) or (((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL)))) and ((放射線療法/TH or 放射線療法/AL))))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く)医中誌
FQ4((BRCA*[TW] OR hereditary breast[TW] OR ((heredit*[tiab] OR inherit*[tiab] OR genet*[tiab] OR familial*[tiab] OR mutat*[tiab]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND ((“Breast Self-Examination”[TW]) OR (“breast awareness”[TIAB]))) AND (English[LA] OR Japanese[LA]) AND 1994/01[DP] : 2020/03[DP]PubMed
(((“breast awareness”/AL) or (((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL)))) and ((触診/TH or 触診/AL))))) and (PT=会議録除く)医中誌
FQ5(((BRCA*[TW] OR hereditary breast[TW] OR ((heredit*[tiab] OR inherit*[tiab] OR genet*[tiab] OR familial*[tiab] OR mutat*[tiab]) AND (breast cancer[tiab] OR Breast Neoplasms[MeSH]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND ((mastectomy[TW]) OR (surgery[TW])) AND ((risk-reducing[TIAB]) OR (prophylactic[TW]))) AND ((“Specimen Handling”[Mesh]) OR (occult[TIAB]) OR (Breast/pathology[MH] OR Breast Neoplasms/pathology[MH]))) AND (English[LA] OR Japanese[LA]) AND 1994/01[DP] : 2020/03[DP]PubMed
FQ6(((((((“mastectomy”[Text Word] OR “breast/surgery”[MeSH Terms]) OR ((“diagnostic imaging”[MeSH Subheading] OR “diagnostic imaging”[MeSH Terms]) AND ((“surveillance”[Title/Abstract] OR “screening”[Text Word]) OR “early diagnosis”[MeSH Terms]))) AND (“risk”[Text Word] OR (“sensitiv*”[Title/Abstract] OR “sensitivity and specificity”[MeSH Terms]))) OR (“prophylactic”[Text Word] OR “risk-reducing”[Title/Abstract])) OR “prevent*”[Text Word]) AND (“English”[Language] OR “Japanese”[Language])) AND 1994/1/1:2020/3/31[Date – Publication]) AND (((((“brca*”[Text Word] OR “hereditary breast”[Text Word]) OR (((((“heredit*”[Title/Abstract] OR “inherit*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “genet*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “familial*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “mutat*”[Title/Abstract]) AND (“breast cancer”[Title/Abstract] OR “breast neoplasms”[MeSH Terms]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND ((“breast neoplasms, male”[MeSH Terms] OR “male breast cancer”[Title/Abstract]) OR “male”[Title])) AND (“English”[Language] OR “Japanese”[Language])) AND 1994/1/1:2020/3/31[Date – Publication])PubMed
#1 (BRCA):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#2 (heredit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#3 (inherit*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#4 (genet*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#5 (familial*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#6 (mutat*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#7 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6
#8 (breast):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#9 (cancer):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#10 #7 AND #8 AND #9
#11 (male or man or med):ti,ab,kw
#12 #10 AND #11
#13 (screening or surveillance):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#14 (risk-reducing):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#15 (prophylactic):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#16 #13 or #14 or #15
#17 #12 and #16
#18 #17 not pubmed:an
#19 #18 with Publication Year from 1994 to 2020, in Trials
((((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL))))) and (CK=男)) or (((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)) and ((遺伝性/AL) or (HBOC/AL) or (BRCA/AL)))) and ((乳房腫瘍-男性/TH or 男性乳癌/AL))))) and (PT=会議録除く)医中誌
全CQ(((((“Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome”[MeSH Terms] OR ((((“breast neoplasms/genetics”[MeSH Terms] OR “ovarian neoplasms/genetics”[MeSH Terms]) OR “breast cancer”[Title/Abstract]) OR “ovarian cancer”[Title/Abstract]) AND (((((“familial”[Title/Abstract] OR “inherit*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “heredit*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “predispos*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “susceptib*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “HBOC”[Title/Abstract]))) OR “brca*”[Text Word]) AND ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((“patient participation”[MeSH Terms] OR “community participation”[MeSH Terms]) OR “professional-patient relations”[MeSH Terms]) OR “patient-centered care”[MeSH Terms]) OR “patient preference”[MeSH Terms]) OR “patient satisfaction”[MeSH Major Topic]) OR “patient education as topic”[MeSH Terms]) OR “attitude to health”[MeSH Terms]) OR “attitude to death”[MeSH Terms]) OR “patient acceptance of health care”[MeSH Terms]) OR “health knowledge, attitudes, practice”[MeSH Terms]) OR “focus groups”[MeSH Terms]) OR “quality of life”[MeSH Major Topic]) OR “self care”[MeSH Terms:noexp]) OR “self concept”[MeSH Terms]) OR “self-examination”[MeSH Terms]) OR “cooperative behavior”[MeSH Terms]) OR “adaptation, psychological”[MeSH Terms]) OR “decision support techniques”[MeSH Terms]) OR “self-help groups”[MeSH Terms]) OR “community networks”[MeSH Terms]) OR “emotions”[MeSH Terms]) OR “consumer behavior”[MeSH Terms]) OR “needs assessment”[MeSH Terms]) OR “personal autonomy”[MeSH Terms]) OR “patient advocacy”[MeSH Terms]) OR “life change events”[MeSH Terms]) OR ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((“patient perspective*”[Title/Abstract] OR “patient s perspective*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient desire*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient s desire*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient’s desires”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient view*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient s view*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient expression*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient s expression*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient attitude*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient s attitude*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient involvement*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient s involvement*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient decision*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient s decision*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient activation”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient s activation”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patients activation”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient empowerment”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient participation”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient s participation”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patients participation”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient collaboration”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient s collaboration”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patients collaboration”[Title/Abstract]) OR “expert patient*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “consumer participation”[Title/Abstract]) OR “consumer perspective”[Title/Abstract]) OR “consumers perspective”[Title/Abstract]) OR “consumer s perspective”[Title/Abstract]) OR “consumer involvement”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient-focused”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient-centred”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient-centered”[Title/Abstract]) OR “patient needs”[Title/Abstract]) OR “self-management”[Title]) OR “self-perception”[Title/Abstract])) OR (“patients”[MeSH Major Topic] AND (“communication”[MeSH Terms] OR “decision making”[MeSH Terms])))) AND ((“clinical trial”[Publication Type] OR “meta-analysis”[Publication Type]) OR “systematic review”[Publication Type])) AND (“English”[Language] OR “Japanese”[Language])) AND 1994/1/1:2020/3/31[Date – Publication]PubMed
((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (遺伝性乳/TA) or (HBOC/TA) or ((乳房腫瘍/TH) and (SH=遺伝学)) or ((卵巣腫瘍/TH) and (SH=遺伝学)) or (BRCA/AL)) and ((治療アドヒアランスとコンプライアンス/TH or 心理/AL or [臨床的判断]/TH or 社会心理学/TH or 患者の権利/TH or [生活の質]/TH)))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く)医中誌
((((“Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome”[MeSH Terms] OR ((((“breast neoplasms/genetics”[MeSH Terms] OR “ovarian neoplasms/genetics”[MeSH Terms]) OR “breast cancer”[Title/Abstract]) OR “ovarian cancer”[Title/Abstract]) AND (((((“familial”[Title/Abstract] OR “inherit*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “heredit*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “predispos*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “susceptib*”[Title/Abstract]) OR “HBOC”[Title/Abstract]))) OR “brca*”[Text Word]) AND “Costs and Cost Analysis”[MeSH Terms]) AND (“English”[Language] OR “Japanese”[Language])) AND 1994/1/1:2020/3/31[Date – Publication]PubMed
((((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH) or (遺伝性乳/TA) or (HBOC/TA) or ((乳房腫瘍/TH) and (SH=遺伝学)) or ((卵巣腫瘍/TH) and (SH=遺伝学)) or (BRCA/AL)) and ((経済学/TH or 診療報酬/TH or 診療報酬/AL or 医療費/TH or 費用/AL)))) and (PT=会議録除く))) and (DT=1994:2020)医中誌

-3. 卵巣癌領域

BQ1   #1 Search: BRCA*[TIAB] or “Genes, BRCA1”[MeSH Terms] or “Genes, BRCA2”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA1 Protein”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA2 Protein”[MeSH Terms]
#2 Search: (((“ovarian neoplasms”[ Majr] OR (“ovarian”[Title] AND “neoplasms”[Title])) OR “ovarian neoplasms”[Title]) OR (“ovarian”[Title] AND “cancer”[Title])) OR “ovarian cancer”[Title]
#3 Search: “genetic testing”[MeSH Terms] OR (“genetic”[TIAB] AND “testing”[TIAB]) OR “genetic testing”[TIAB]
#4 Search: #1 and #2 and #3
#5 Search: #4 AND (1994/01[DP]:2020/03[DP]) AND (English[la] or japanese[la])
#6 Search: #5 NOT (Animals[MH] NOT Humans[MH])
#7 Search: (((“mutation rate”[MeSH Terms] OR (“mutation”[All Fields] AND “rate”[All Fields])) OR “mutation rate”[All Fields]) OR (“mutation”[All Fields] AND “frequency”[All Fields])) OR “mutation frequency”[All Fields]
#8 Search: (((((((((“epidemiology”[MeSH Subheading] OR “epidemiology”[All Fields]) OR “prevalence”[All Fields]) OR “prevalence”[MeSH Terms]) OR “prevalance”[All Fields]) OR “prevalences”[All Fields]) OR “prevalence s”[All Fields]) OR “prevalent”[All Fields]) OR “prevalently”[All Fields]) OR “prevalents”[All Fields]) OR ((((((((((((((“pathogen”[All Fields] OR “pathogen s”[All Fields]) OR “pathogene”[All Fields]) OR “pathogenes”[All Fields]) OR “pathogenic”[All Fields]) OR “pathogenically”[All Fields]) OR “pathogenicities”[All Fields]) OR “pathogenicity”[MeSH Subheading]) OR “pathogenicity”[All Fields]) OR “virulence”[MeSH Terms]) OR “virulence”[All Fields]) OR “pathogenity”[All Fields]) OR “pathogenous”[All Fields]) OR “pathogens”[All Fields]) AND ((“variant”[All Fields] OR “variant s”[All Fields]) OR “variants”[All Fields]))
#9 Search: #7 OR #8
#10 Search: #6 AND #9
#11 Search: “criteria s”[All Fields] OR “criterias”[All Fields] OR “standards”[MeSH Subheading] OR “standards”[All Fields] OR “criteria”[All Fields]
#12 Search: #6 AND #11
#13 Search: #10 AND #12
BQ1#1 (BRCA*):ti,ab,kw or [mh “Genes, BRCA1”] or [mh “Genes, BRCA2”] or [mh “BRCA1 Protein”] or [mh “BRCA2 Protein”]
#2 [mh “ovarian neoplasms”] or (ovarian cancer):ti,ab,kw
#3 [mh “genetic testing”] or (genetic testing):ti,ab,kw
#4 #1 and #2 and #3 with Cochrane Library publication date Between Jan 1994 and Mar 2020
#5 criteria:ti,ab,kw
#6 #4 and #5 with Cochrane Library publication date Between Jan 1994 and Mar 2020
BQ1#1 (BRCA1遺伝子/TH or BRCA1遺伝子/AL) or (BRCA2遺伝子/TH or BRCA2遺伝子/AL) or BRCA/AL or 乳癌遺伝子/AL
#2 卵巣腫瘍/TH or卵巣癌/AL or 卵巣がん/AL or 遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH
#3 遺伝学的検査/TH or 遺伝学的検査/AL or 遺伝子検査/AL or 遺伝子スクリーニング/AL or 遺伝学的検査/AL or 遺伝学的スクリーニング/AL
#4 #1 and #2 and #3
#5 #4 and (DT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31)
#6 (#5) and (LA=日本語,英語 CK=ヒト)
#7 (#6) and (PT=会議録除く)
#8 #7 and ((RD=診療ガイドライン) or 診療ガイドライン/MTH or ガイドライン/TI)
#9 #7 and ((RD=メタアナリシス) or システマティックレビュー/TH or メタアナリシス/TH or メタアナリシス/TI or システマティックレビュー/TI or システマティック・レビュー/TI)
#10 #7 and ((RD=ランダム化比較試験) or RCT/TI or (RD=準ランダム化比較試験) or (RD=比較研究) or 比較研究/TI)
BQ2#1 BRCA[tiab] OR “Genes, BRCA1″[mh] OR “Genes, BRCA2″[mh] OR BRCA1[tw] OR BRCA2[tw] OR Mutation[mh] OR mutation[tiab] OR mutations[tiab] OR mutational[tiab]
#2 RRSO[tiab] OR Risk Reducing Salpingo-oophorectomy[tw] OR “Salpingo-Oophorectomy”[mh] OR “Prophylactic Surgical Procedures”[mh]
#3 surgery[tiab] OR surgical[tiab] OR standard[tiab] OR standardized[tiab] OR protocol[tiab] OR protocols[tiab] OR method[tiab] OR methods[tiab] OR treatment[tiab]
#4 (#1 AND #2 AND #3) AND (English[la] OR Japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[mh] NOT Humans[mh]) AND (1994/01[dp]:2020/03[dp])
BQ2#1 (“rrso” or “risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy”):ti,ab,kw
#2 #1 in Cochrane Reviews
#3 #1 in Trials
BQ2#1 BRCA/TA or BRCA1遺伝子/TH or BRCA2遺伝子/TH or 変異/TA or 変異/TH
#2 RRSO/TA or リスク低減/TA or 卵巣摘出/TA or 卵巣摘出術/TH or 卵管摘出/TA or 卵管摘出術/TH or 予防的手術/TH
#3 術式/TA or 手術/TA#4 (#1 and #2 and #3) and (PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト) and ((PDAT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31) or (IDAT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31)) and (DT=1994:2020)
BQ3#1 Search: BRCA*[TIAB] or “Genes, BRCA1”[MeSH Terms] or “Genes, BRCA2”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA1 Protein”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA2 Protein”[MeSH Terms]
#2 Search: (((“ovarian neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR (“ovarian”[TIAB] AND “neoplasms”[TIAB])) OR “ovarian neoplasms”[TIAB]) OR (“ovarian”[TIAB] AND “cancer”[TIAB])) OR “ovarian cancer”[TIAB]
#3 Search: “early detection of cancer”[MeSH Terms] OR (“early”[All Fields] AND “detection”[All Fields] AND “cancer”[All Fields]) OR “early detection of cancer”[All Fields] OR “screening”[TIAB]
#4 Search: “epidemiology”[MeSH Subheading] OR “epidemiology”[TIAB] OR “surveillance”[TIAB] OR “epidemiology”[MeSH Terms] OR “surveilance”[TIAB] OR “surveillances”[TIAB] OR “surveilled”[TIAB] OR “surveillence”[TIAB]
#6 Search: (BRCA*[TIAB] or “Genes, BRCA1”[MeSH Terms] or “Genes, BRCA2”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA1 Protein”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA2 Protein”[MeSH Terms]) AND ((((“ovarian neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR (“ovarian”[TIAB] AND “neoplasms”[TIAB])) OR “ovarian neoplasms”[TIAB]) OR (“ovarian”[TIAB] AND “cancer”[TIAB])) OR “ovarian cancer”[TIAB])
#7 Search: (“early detection of cancer”[MeSH Terms] OR (“early”[All Fields] AND “detection”[All Fields] AND “cancer”[All Fields]) OR “early detection of cancer”[All Fields] OR “screening”[TIAB]) OR (“epidemiology”[MeSH Subheading] OR “epidemiology”[TIAB] OR “surveillance”[TIAB] OR “epidemiology”[MeSH Terms] OR “surveilance”[TIAB] OR “surveillances”[TIAB] OR “surveilled”[TIAB] OR “surveillence”[TIAB])
#8 Search: ((BRCA*[TIAB] or “Genes, BRCA1”[MeSH Terms] or “Genes, BRCA2”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA1 Protein”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA2 Protein”[MeSH Terms]) AND ((((“ovarian neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR (“ovarian”[TIAB] AND “neoplasms”[TIAB])) OR “ovarian neoplasms”[TIAB]) OR (“ovarian”[TIAB] AND “cancer”[TIAB])) OR “ovarian cancer”[TIAB])) AND ((“early detection of cancer”[MeSH Terms] OR (“early”[All Fields] AND “detection”[All Fields] AND “cancer”[All Fields]) OR “early detection of cancer”[All Fields] OR “screening”[TIAB]) OR (“epidemiology”[MeSH Subheading] OR “epidemiology”[TIAB] OR “surveillance”[TIAB] OR “epidemiology”[MeSH Terms] OR “surveilance”[TIAB] OR “surveillances”[TIAB] OR “surveilled”[TIAB] OR “surveillence”[TIAB]))
#9 Search: ((BRCA*[TIAB] or “Genes, BRCA1”[MeSH Terms] or “Genes, BRCA2”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA1 Protein”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA2 Protein”[MeSH Terms]) AND ((((“ovarian neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR (“ovarian”[TIAB] AND “neoplasms”[TIAB])) OR “ovarian neoplasms”[TIAB]) OR (“ovarian”[TIAB] AND “cancer”[TIAB])) OR “ovarian cancer”[TIAB])) AND ((“early detection of cancer”[MeSH Terms] OR (“early”[All Fields] AND “detection”[All Fields] AND “cancer”[All Fields]) OR “early detection of cancer”[All Fields] OR “screening”[TIAB]) OR (“epidemiology”[MeSH Subheading] OR “epidemiology”[TIAB] OR “surveillance”[TIAB] OR “epidemiology”[MeSH Terms] OR “surveilance”[TIAB] OR “surveillances”[TIAB] OR “surveilled”[TIAB] OR “surveillence”[TIAB])) AND (1994/01[DP]:2020/03[DP]) AND (English[la] or japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[MH] NOT Humans[MH])
#10 Search: ((“ca-125 antigen”[MeSH Terms] OR (“ca 125″[All Fields] AND “antigen”[All Fields])) OR “ca 125 antigen”[All Fields]) OR “ca 125″[All Fields] OR “ca125” [All Fields]
#11 Search: (“diagnostic imaging”[MeSH Subheading] OR “diagnostic imaging”[MeSH Terms]) OR “imaging”[All Fields]
#12 Search: “sonograph*”[All Fields] OR “ultrasonography”[MeSH Terms] OR “ultrasonography”[All Fields] OR “ultrasound*”[All Fields] OR “ultrasonics”[MeSH Terms] OR “ultrasonic*”[All Fields] OR “echograph*”[All Fields]
#13 Search: (((“tomography, x-ray computed”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“tomography”[All Fields] AND “x ray”[All Fields]) AND “computed”[All Fields])) OR “x-ray computed tomography”[All Fields]) OR (“computed”[All Fields] AND “tomography”[All Fields])) OR “computed tomography”[All Fields]
#14 Search: (((“positron emission tomography computed tomography”[MeSH Terms] OR ((((“positron”[All Fields] AND “emission”[All Fields]) AND “tomography”[All Fields]) AND “computed”[All Fields]) AND “tomography”[All Fields])) OR “positron emission tomography computed tomography”[All Fields]) OR (“pet”[All Fields] AND “ct”[All Fields])) OR “pet ct”[All Fields]
#15 Search: ((((((“ca-125 antigen”[MeSH Terms] OR (“ca 125″[All Fields] AND “antigen”[All Fields])) OR “ca 125 antigen”[All Fields]) OR “ca 125″[All Fields] OR “ca125” [All Fields]) OR ((“diagnostic imaging”[MeSH Subheading] OR “diagnostic imaging”[MeSH Terms]) OR “imaging”[All Fields])) OR (“sonograph*”[All Fields] OR “ultrasonography”[MeSH Terms] OR “ultrasonography”[All Fields] OR “ultrasound*”[All Fields] OR “ultrasonics”[MeSH Terms] OR “ultrasonic*”[All Fields] OR “echograph*”[All Fields])) OR ((((“tomography, x-ray computed”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“tomography”[All Fields] AND “x ray”[All Fields]) AND “computed”[All Fields])) OR “x-ray computed tomography”[All Fields]) OR (“computed”[All Fields] AND “tomography”[All Fields])) OR “computed tomography”[All Fields])) OR ((((“positron emission tomography computed tomography”[MeSH Terms] OR ((((“positron”[All Fields] AND “emission”[All Fields]) AND “tomography”[All Fields]) AND “computed”[All Fields]) AND “tomography”[All Fields])) OR “positron emission tomography computed tomography”[All Fields]) OR (“pet”[All Fields] AND “ct”[All Fields])) OR “pet ct”[All Fields])
#16 Search: (((BRCA*[TIAB] or “Genes, BRCA1”[MeSH Terms] or “Genes, BRCA2”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA1 Protein”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA2 Protein”[MeSH Terms]) AND ((((“ovarian neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR (“ovarian”[TIAB] AND “neoplasms”[TIAB])) OR “ovarian neoplasms”[TIAB]) OR (“ovarian”[TIAB] AND “cancer”[TIAB])) OR “ovarian cancer”[TIAB])) AND ((“early detection of cancer”[MeSH Terms] OR (“early”[All Fields] AND “detection”[All Fields] AND “cancer”[All Fields]) OR “early detection of cancer”[All Fields] OR “screening”[TIAB]) OR (“epidemiology”[MeSH Subheading] OR “epidemiology”[TIAB] OR “surveillance”[TIAB] OR “epidemiology”[MeSH Terms] OR “surveilance”[TIAB] OR “surveillances”[TIAB] OR “surveilled”[TIAB] OR “surveillence”[TIAB])) AND (1994/01[DP]:2020/03[DP]) AND (English[la] or japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[MH] NOT Humans[MH])) AND (((((((“ca-125 antigen”[MeSH Terms] OR (“ca 125″[All Fields] AND “antigen”[All Fields])) OR “ca 125 antigen”[All Fields]) OR “ca 125″[All Fields] OR “ca125” [All Fields]) OR ((“diagnostic imaging”[MeSH Subheading] OR “diagnostic imaging”[MeSH Terms]) OR “imaging”[All Fields])) OR (“sonograph*”[All Fields] OR “ultrasonography”[MeSH Terms] OR “ultrasonography”[All Fields] OR “ultrasound*”[All Fields] OR “ultrasonics”[MeSH Terms] OR “ultrasonic*”[All Fields] OR “echograph*”[All Fields])) OR ((((“tomography, x-ray computed”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“tomography”[All Fields] AND “x ray”[All Fields]) AND “computed”[All Fields])) OR “x-ray computed tomography”[All Fields]) OR (“computed”[All Fields] AND “tomography”[All Fields])) OR “computed tomography”[All Fields])) OR ((((“positron emission tomography computed tomography”[MeSH Terms] OR ((((“positron”[All Fields] AND “emission”[All Fields]) AND “tomography”[All Fields]) AND “computed”[All Fields]) AND “tomography”[All Fields])) OR “positron emission tomography computed tomography”[All Fields]) OR (“pet”[All Fields] AND “ct”[All Fields])) OR “pet ct”[All Fields]))
BQ3#1 (BRCA*):ti,ab,kw or [mh “Genes, BRCA1”] or [mh “Genes, BRCA2”] or [mh “BRCA1 Protein”] or [mh “BRCA2 Protein”]
#2 [mh “ovarian neoplasms”] or (ovarian cancer):ti,ab,kw
#3 [mh “early detection of cancer”] or (early detection cancer):ti,ab,kw or (screening):ti,ab,kw or [mh “epidemiology”] or (epidemiology):ti,ab,kw or (surveillance*):ti,ab,kw
#4 #1 and #2 and #3 with Cochrane Library publication date Between Jan 1994 and Mar 2020
#5 [mh “ca-125 antigen”] or (ca125):ti,ab,kw
#6 [mh “diagnostic imaging”] or (imaging):ti,ab,kw
#7 [mh “ultrasonography”] or (ultrasound*):ti,ab,kw or (echograph*):ti,ab,kw
#8 [mh “tomography, x-ray computed”] or (x ray):ti,ab,kw
#9 [mh “positron emission tomography computed tomography”] or (positron emission tomography):ti,ab,kw or (computed tomography):ti,ab,kw or (“pet ct”):ti,ab,kw
#10 #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9
#11 #4 and #10 with Cochrane Library publication date Between Jan 1994 and Mar 2020
BQ3#1 (BRCA1遺伝子/TH or BRCA1遺伝子/AL) or (BRCA2遺伝子/TH or BRCA2遺伝子/AL) or BRCA/AL or 乳癌遺伝子/AL
#2 卵巣腫瘍/TH or 卵巣癌/AL or 卵巣がん/AL or 遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH
#3 CA-125抗原/TH or CA125/AL or CA-125/AL
#4 画像診断/TH or 画像診断法/AL or 医用画像/AL or 画像診断/AL
#5 超音波診断/TH or 超音波画像/AL or 超音波検査/AL or 超音波所見/AL or 超音波診断/AL
#6 (X線CT/TH or CT/AL) or (陽電子放射型断層撮影/TH or PET/AL) or (PET-CT検査/TH or PET-CT検査/AL or PET-CT/AL)
#7 #1 and #2 and #3
#8 #4 or #5 or #6
#9 #1 and #2 and #8
#10 #3 and #9
#11 #7 and (DT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31)
#12 (#11) and (PT=原著論文,総説)
#13 #9 and (DT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31)
#14 (#13) and (LA=日本語,英語 CK=ヒト)
#15 (#11) and (LA=日本語,英語 CK=ヒト)
#16 (#14) and (PT=会議録除く)
#17 (#14) and (PT=原著論文,総説)
#18 #16 and #15
CQ1#1 Search: BRCA*[TIAB] or “Genes, BRCA1”[MeSH Terms] or “Genes, BRCA2”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA1 Protein”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA2 Protein”[MeSH Terms]
#2 Search: (“risk”[MeSH Terms] OR “risk”[All Fields]) AND (((“reduce”[All Fields] OR “reduced”[All Fields]) OR “reduces”[All Fields]) OR “reducing”[All Fields]) AND (((“salpingo-oophorectomy”[MeSH Terms] OR “salpingo oophorectomy”[All Fields]) OR (“salpingo”[All Fields] AND “oophorectomy”[All Fields])) OR “salpingo oophorectomy”[All Fields]) OR “RRSO”[All Fields]
#3 Search: (“primary prevention”[MeSH Terms] OR (“primary”[All Fields] AND “prevention”[All Fields])) OR “primary prevention”[All Fields] OR (“risk factors”[MeSH Terms] OR (“risk”[All Fields] AND “factors”[All Fields])) OR “risk factors”[All Fields]
#4 Search: #1 and #2 and #3
#5 Search: #4 AND (1994/01[DP]:2020/03[DP]) AND (English[la] or japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[MH] NOT Humans[MH])
#6 Search: #5 AND (“Cochrane Database Syst Rev”[TA] OR “Meta-Analysis”[PT] OR “Practice Guideline”[PT] OR “Guideline”[PT] OR “Guidelines as Topic”[MH] OR Review[PT] OR meta-analysis[TIAB] OR guideline*[TI] OR “systematic review”[TIAB] OR review[TI] OR overview[TI])
#7 Search: #5 AND (“Clinical Trials as Topic”[Mesh] OR “Clinical Trial” [PT] OR ((clinical trial* OR clinical stud* OR random* OR controlled trial*) NOT medline[SB]))
#8 Search: #5 AND (“Research Design”[Mesh] OR ” Epidemiologic Study Characteristics “[Mesh] OR “Study Characteristics” [PT] OR ((cohort* OR comparative stud*) NOT medline[SB]))
CQ1#1 (BRCA*):ti,ab,kw or [mh “Genes, BRCA1”] or [mh “Genes, BRCA2”] or [mh “BRCA1 Protein”] or [mh “BRCA2 Protein”]
#2 (([mh risk] or (risk):ti,ab,kw) and (reduce*):ti,ab,kw and ([mh “salpingo-oophorectomy”] or (salpingo oophorectomy):ti,ab,kw)) or (RRSO):ti,ab,kw
#3 [mh “primary prevention”] or (primary prevention):ti,ab,kw or [mh “risk factors”] or (risk factors):ti,ab,kw
#4 #1 and #2 and #3 with Cochrane Library publication date Between Jan 1994 and Mar 2020
#5 [mh “genetic counseling”] or (genetic counseling):ti,ab,kw
#6 #1 and #2 and #5 with Cochrane Library publication date Between Jan 1994 and Mar 2020
CQ1#1 (BRCA1遺伝子/TH or BRCA1遺伝子/AL) or (BRCA2遺伝子/TH or BRCA2遺伝子/AL) or BRCA/AL or 乳癌遺伝子/AL
#2 (((卵管/TH or 卵管/AL) or (卵巣/TH or 卵巣/AL)) and (予防的手術/TH or リスク低減手術/AL or 予防手術/AL or 予防的切除/AL or (リスク低減/AL and 摘出/AL))) or RRSO/AL
#3 (遺伝相談/TH or 遺伝カウンセリング/AL) or (カウンセラー/AL or カウンセリング/AL) and (遺伝的/AL or 遺伝/AL)
#4 病因/AL
#5 (医療費/TH or 費用/AL or 医療費/AL)
#6 (患者の好み/TH or 患者の意向/AL)
#7 #1 and #2
#8 (#7 and (DT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31)) and (LA=日本語,英語 PT=会議録除く CK=ヒト)
#9 #8 and ((RD=診療ガイドライン) or 診療ガイドライン/MTH or ガイドライン/TI)
#10 #8 and ((RD=メタアナリシス) or システマティックレビュー/TH or メタアナリシス/TH or メタアナリシス/TI or システマティックレビュー/TI or システマティック・レビュー/TI)
#11 #8 and ((RD=ランダム化比較試験) or RCT/TI or (RD=準ランダム化比較試験) or (RD=比較研究) or 比較研究/TI)
#12 #1 and #2 and (#3 or #4 or #5 or #6)
#13 (#12 and (DT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31)) and (LA=日本語,英語 and PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト)
#14 #13 and ((RD=診療ガイドライン) or 診療ガイドライン/MTH or ガイドライン/TI)
#1 RRSO[tiab] OR Risk Reducing Salpingo-oophorectomy[tw] OR “Salpingo-Oophorectomy”[mh] OR “Prophylactic Surgical Procedures”[mh]
#2 “SEE-FIM”[tiab] OR (pathologial examination[tw] AND fallopian tube[tw]) OR “Fallopian Tubes/pathology”[mh]
#3 #1 AND #2 AND (English[la] OR Japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[mh] NOT Humans[mh]) AND (1994/01[dp]:2020/03[dp])
#1 BRCA[tiab] OR “Genes, BRCA1″[mh] OR “Genes, BRCA2″[mh]
#2 “SEE-FIM”[tiab] OR (pathologial examination[tw] AND fallopian tube[tw]) OR “Fallopian Tubes/pathology”[mh]
#3 #1 AND #2 AND (English[la] OR Japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[mh] NOT Humans[mh]) AND (1994/01[dp]:2020/03[dp])
CQ2#1 (“rrso” or “risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy”):ti,ab,kw
#2 #1 in Cochrane Review
#3 #1 in Trials
CQ2#1 BRCA/TA or BRCA1遺伝子/TH or BRCA2遺伝子/TH or オカルト癌/TA or 不顕性癌/TH or 不顕性癌/TH
#2 RRSO/TA or リスク低減/TA or 卵管卵巣摘出/TA or 卵管摘出/TA or 卵管摘出術/TH or 予防的手術/TH
#3 ((卵管/TH) and (SH=病理学)) or SEE-FIM/TA or ((卵管/TA) and ((病理検査/TA or 病理学/TA)))
#4 (#1 and #3) and (PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト) and ((PDAT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31) or (IDAT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31)) and (DT=1994:2020)
#4′ (#2 and #3) and (PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト) and ((PDAT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31) or (IDAT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31)) and (DT=1994:2020)
#4” (#1 and #2 and #3) and (PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト) and ((PDAT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31) or (IDAT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31)) and (DT=1994:2020)
CQ3#1 Search: BRCA*[All Fields] or “Genes, BRCA1”[MeSH Terms] or “Genes, BRCA2”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA1 Protein”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA2 Protein”[MeSH Terms]
#2 Search: (((“ovarian neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR (“ovarian”[ALL FIELDS] AND “neoplasms”[Title])) OR “ovarian neoplasms”[ALL FIELDS]) OR (“ovarian”[ALL FIELDS] AND “cancer”[ALL FIELDS])) OR “ovarian cancer”[ALL FIELDS]
#3 Search: “chemotherapy”[ALL FIELDS] OR “drug therapy”[MeSH Terms] OR (“drug”[ALL FIELDS] AND “therapy”[ALL FIELDS]) OR “drug therapy”[ALL FIELDS] OR “chemotherapies”[ALL FIELDS] OR “drug therapy”[MeSH Subheading] OR “pharmacotherapy”[ALL FIELDS]
#4 Search: (((((((“health care costs”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“health”[All Fields] AND “care”[All Fields]) AND “cost*”[All Fields])) OR “health care cost*”[All Fields]) OR ((“health”[All Fields] AND “care”[All Fields]) AND “cost”[All Fields])) OR “health care cost”[All Fields]) OR “treatment cost*”[All Fields]) OR “healthcare cost*”[All Fields]) OR “medical care cost*”[All Fields]) OR (((((“economics”[MeSH Subheading] OR “economics”[All Fields]) OR “cost”[All Fields]) OR “costs and cost analysis”[MeSH Terms]) OR ((“costs”[All Fields] AND “cost”[All Fields]) AND “analysis”[All Fields])) OR “costs and cost analysis”[All Fields])
#5 Search: ”patient preference”[MeSH Terms] OR (“patient”[All Fields] AND “preference”[All Fields]) OR “patient preference”[All Fields]
#6 Search: (“treatment outcome”[MeSH Terms] OR (“treatment”[TIAB] AND “outcome”[TIAB])) OR “treatment outcome”[TIAB]
#7 Search: #1 and #2 and #3
#8 Search: #4 OR #5
#9 Search: #7 and #8
#10 Search: #9 AND (1994/01[DP]:2020/03[DP]) AND (English[la] or japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[MH] NOT Humans[MH])
#11 Search: BRCA*[Title] or “Genes, BRCA1”[Majr] or “Genes, BRCA2”[Majr] or “BRCA1 Protein”[Majr] or “BRCA2 Protein”[Majr]
#12 Search: (((“ovarian neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR (“ovarian”[Title] AND “neoplasms”[Title])) OR “ovarian neoplasms”[Title]) OR (“ovarian”[Title] AND “cancer”[Title])) OR “ovarian cancer”[Title]
#13 Search: “chemotherapy”[TIAB] OR “drug therapy”[MeSH Terms] OR (“drug”[TIAB] AND “therapy”[TIAB]) OR “drug therapy”[TIAB] OR “chemotherapies”[TIAB] OR “drug therapy”[MeSH Subheading] OR “pharmacotherapy”[TIAB]
#14 Search: (((((((“health care costs”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“health”[TIAB] AND “care”[TIAB]) AND “cost*”[TIAB])) OR “health care cost*”[TIAB]) OR ((“health”[TIAB] AND “care”[TIAB]) AND “cost”[TIAB])) OR “health care cost”[TIAB]) OR “treatment cost*”[TIAB]) OR “healthcare cost*”[TIAB]) OR “medical care cost*”[TIAB]) OR (((((“economics”[MeSH Subheading] OR “economics”[TIAB]) OR “cost”[TIAB]) OR “costs and cost analysis”[MeSH Terms]) OR ((“costs”[TIAB] AND “cost”[TIAB]) AND “analysis”[TIAB])) OR “costs and cost analysis”[TIAB])
#15 Search: ”patient preference”[MeSH Terms] OR (“patient”[TIAB] AND “preference”[TIAB]) OR “patient preference”[TIAB]
#16 Search: #11 and #12 and #13 and (#14 or #15 or #6)
#17 Search: #21 AND (1994/01[DP]:2020/03[DP]) AND (English[la] or japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[MH] NOT Humans[MH])
CQ3#1 (BRCA*):ti,ab,kw or [mh “Genes, BRCA1”] or [mh “Genes, BRCA2”] or [mh “BRCA1 Protein”] or [mh “BRCA2 Protein”] 
#2 [mh “ovarian neoplasms”] or (ovarian cancer):ti,ab,kw 
#3 [mh “drug therapy”] or (pharmacotherapy):ti,ab,kw or (chemotherap*):ti,ab,kw or (“drug therapy”):ti,ab,kw 
#4 [mh “health care costs”] or [mh “costs and cost analysis”] or (cost):ti,ab,kw 
#5 [mh “patient preference”] or (patient preference):ti,ab,kw 
#6 [mh “treatment outcome”] or (treatment outcome):ti,ab,kw 
#7 #1 and #2 and #3 
#8 #4 or #5 or #6 
#9 #7 and #8 with Cochrane Library publication date from Jan 1994 to Mar 2020Limits 
#10 #7 and (#4 or #5) with Cochrane Library publication date from Jan 1994 to Mar 2020
CQ3#1 (BRCA1遺伝子/TH or BRCA1遺伝子/AL) or (BRCA2遺伝子/TH or BRCA2遺伝子/AL) or BRCA/AL or 乳癌遺伝子/AL
#2 卵巣腫瘍/TH or 卵巣癌/AL or 卵巣がん/AL or 遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH
#3 薬物療法/TH or 薬物療法/AL or 化学療法/AL or 投薬/AL or 薬物治療/AL or 与薬/AL
#4 医療費/TH or 費用/AL or 医療費/AL
#5 患者の好み/TH or 患者の意向/AL
#6 #1 and #2 and #3
#7 #4 or #5
#8 #6 and #7
#9 (#6 and (DT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31)) and (LA=日本語,英語 PT=会議録除く CK=ヒト)
#10 (#9) and (PT=原著論文,総説)
#11 #9 and ((RD=診療ガイドライン) or 診療ガイドライン/MTH or ガイドライン/TI)
#12 #9 and ((RD=メタアナリシス) or システマティックレビュー/TH or メタアナリシス/TH or メタアナリシス/TI or システマティックレビュー/TI or システマティック・レビュー/TI)
#13 #9 and ((RD=ランダム化比較試験) or RCT/TI or (RD=準ランダム化比較試験) or (RD=比較研究) or 比較研究/TI)
CQ4#1 Search: BRCA*[TIAB] or “Genes, BRCA1”[MeSH Terms] or “Genes, BRCA2”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA1 Protein”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA2 Protein”[MeSH Terms]
#2 Search: (((“ovarian neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR (“ovarian”[TIAB] AND “neoplasms”[Title])) OR “ovarian neoplasms”[TIAB]) OR (“ovarian”[TIAB] AND “cancer”[TIAB])) OR “ovarian cancer”[TIAB]
#3 Search: ((((“poly adp ribose polymerase inhibitors”[Pharmacological Action] OR “poly adp-ribose polymerase inhibitors”[MeSH Terms]) OR ((“poly adp ribose”[TIAB] AND “polymerase”[TIAB]) AND “inhibitors”[TIAB])) OR “poly adp ribose polymerase inhibitors”[TIAB]) OR (“PARP”[TIAB] AND “inhibitor”[TIAB])) OR “PARP inhibitor”[TIAB]
#4 Search: (((“maintenance”[MeSH Terms] OR “maintenance”[TIAB]) OR “maintenances”[TIAB]) AND ((((“drug therapy”[MeSH Subheading] OR (“drug”[TIAB] AND “therapy”[TIAB])) OR “drug therapy”[TIAB]) OR “drug therapy”[MeSH Terms]) OR (“drug”[TIAB] AND “therapy”[TIAB]))) OR ((“maintenance chemotherapy”[MeSH Terms] OR (“maintenance”[TIAB] AND “chemotherapy”[TIAB])) OR “maintenance chemotherapy”[TIAB])
#5 Search: (((((((“health care costs”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“health”[All Fields] AND “care”[All Fields]) AND “cost*”[All Fields])) OR “health care cost*”[All Fields]) OR ((“health”[All Fields] AND “care”[All Fields]) AND “cost”[All Fields])) OR “health care cost”[All Fields]) OR “treatment cost*”[All Fields]) OR “healthcare cost*”[All Fields]) OR “medical care cost*”[All Fields]) OR (((((“economics”[MeSH Subheading] OR “economics”[All Fields]) OR “cost”[All Fields]) OR “costs and cost analysis”[MeSH Terms]) OR ((“costs”[All Fields] AND “cost”[All Fields]) AND “analysis”[All Fields])) OR “costs and cost analysis”[All Fields])
#6 Search: ”patient preference”[MeSH Terms] OR (“patient”[All Fields] AND “preference”[All Fields]) OR “patient preference”[All Fields]
#7 Search: #1 and #2 and #3 and #4
#8 Search: #7 and (#5 or #6)
#9 Search: #8 AND (1994/01[DP]:2020/03[DP]) AND (English[la] or japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[MH] NOT Humans[MH])
#10 Search: #7 AND (1994/01[DP]:2020/03[DP]) AND (English[la] or japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[MH] NOT Humans[MH])
CQ4#1 (BRCA*):ti,ab,kw or [mh “Genes, BRCA1”] or [mh “Genes, BRCA2”] or [mh “BRCA1 Protein”] or [mh “BRCA2 Protein”]
#2 [mh “ovarian neoplasms”] or (ovarian cancer):ti,ab,kw
#3 [mh “poly adp-ribose polymerase inhibitors”] or (“poly adp ribose polymerase inhibitors”):ti,ab,kw or (“PARP inhibitor”):ti,ab,kw
#4 [mh “maintenance”] or (maintenance*):ti,ab,kw
#5 [mh “health care costs”] or [mh “costs and cost analysis”] or (cost):ti,ab,kw
#6 [mh “patient preference”] or (patient preference):ti,ab,kw
#7 #1 and #2 and #3 and #4 with Cochrane Library publication date Between Jan 1994 and Mar 2020
#8 #5 or #6
#9 #7 and #8 with Cochrane Library publication date Between Jan 1994 and Mar 2020
CQ4#1 (BRCA1遺伝子/TH or BRCA1遺伝子/AL) or (BRCA2遺伝子/TH or BRCA2遺伝子/AL) or BRCA/AL or 乳癌遺伝子/AL
#2 卵巣腫瘍/TH or 卵巣癌/AL or 卵巣がん/AL or 遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH
#3 (“Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibitors”/TH or PARP阻害剤/AL or PARP抑制剤/AL) or ((“Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerases”/TH or PARP/AL) and ((思考途絶/TH or 阻害/AL) or (“抑制(心理学)”/TH or 抑制/AL)))
#4 (寛解維持療法/TH or 維持療法/AL or 寛解維持療法/AL or 薬物維持療法/AL)
#5 (医療費/TH or 費用/AL or 医療費/AL)
#6 (患者の好み/TH or 患者の意向/AL)
#7 #1 and #2 and #3 and #4
#8 #1 and #2 and #3 and #4 and (#5 or #6)
#9 (#7 and (DT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31)) and (LA=日本語,英語 PT=会議録除く CK=ヒト)
CQ5#1 Search: BRCA*[TIAB] or “Genes, BRCA1”[MeSH Terms] or “Genes, BRCA2”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA1 Protein”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA2 Protein”[MeSH Terms]
#2 Search: (BRCA*[TIAB] and mutation*[TIAB] and carrier*[TIAB]) AND (“breast neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR (“breast”[TIAB] AND “neoplasms”[TIAB]) OR “breast neoplasms”[TIAB] OR (“breast”[TIAB] AND “cancer”[TIAB]) OR “breast cancer”[TIAB] OR “ovarian neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR (“ovarian”[TIAB] AND “neoplasms”[TIAB]) OR “ovarian neoplasms”[TIAB] OR (“ovarian”[TIAB] AND “cancer”[TIAB]) OR “ovarian cancer”[TIAB]) OR (“hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome”[MeSH Terms] OR “hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome”[TIAB] OR “HBOC”[TIAB])
#3 Search: “contraceptives, oral”[MeSH Terms] OR (“contraceptives”[TIAB] AND “oral”[TIAB]) OR “oral contraceptives”[TIAB] OR (“oral”[TIAB] AND “contraceptives”[TIAB])
#4 Search: “risk reduction behavior”[MeSH Terms] OR (“risk”[TIAB] AND “reduction”[TIAB] AND “behavior”[TIAB]) OR “risk reduction behavior”[TIAB] OR (“risk”[TIAB] AND “reduction”[TIAB]) OR “risk reduction”[TIAB] OR “adaptation, psychological”[MeSH Terms] OR (“adaptation”[TIAB] AND “psychological”[TIAB]) OR “psychological adaptation”[TIAB] OR (“risk”[TIAB] AND “reduction”[TIAB])
#5 Search: “drug-related side effects and adverse reactions”[MeSH Terms] OR “drug related side effects and adverse reactions”[All Fields] OR “adverse effects”[MeSH Subheading] OR (“adverse”[All Fields] AND “effect*”[All Fields]) OR “adverse effect*”[All Fields] OR (“side”[All Fields] AND “effect*”[All Fields]) OR “side effect*”[All Fields]
#6 Search: (((“health care costs”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“health”[All Fields] AND “care”[All Fields]) AND “costs”[All Fields])) OR “health care costs”[All Fields]) OR ((“health”[All Fields] AND “care”[All Fields]) AND “cost”[All Fields])) OR “health care cost”[All Fields]
#7 Search: (“patient preference”[MeSH Terms] OR (“patient”[All Fields] AND “preference”[All Fields])) OR “patient preference”[All Fields]
#8 Search: #1 and #2 and #3
#9 Search: #4 or #5 or #6 or #7
#10 Search: #8 and #9
#11 Search: #8 AND (1994/01[DP]:2020/03[DP]) AND (English[la] or japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[MH] NOT Humans[MH])
#12 Search: #10 AND (1994/01[DP]:2020/03[DP]) AND (English[la] or japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[MH] NOT Humans[MH])
CQ5#1 (BRCA*):ti,ab,kw or [mh “Genes, BRCA1”] or [mh “Genes, BRCA2”] or [mh “BRCA1 Protein”] or [mh “BRCA2 Protein”]
#2 [mh “hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome”] or (HBOC):ti,ab,kw or [mh “ovarian neoplasms”] or [mh “breast neoplasms”] or (breast cancer):ti,ab,kw or (ovarian cancer):ti,ab,kw
#3 [mh “contraceptives, oral”] or (oral contraceptive*):ti,ab,kw
#4 [mh “risk reduction behavior”] or (risk reduction behavior):ti,ab,kw or (risk reduction):ti,ab,kw or [mh “adaptation, psychological”] or (psychological adaptation);ti,ab,kw
#5 [mh “drug-related side effects and adverse reactions”] or (side effect*):ti,ab,kw or (adverse effect*):ti,ab,kw or [mh “ovarian neoplasms”/AE] or [mh “breast neoplasms”/AE]
#6 [mh “health care costs”] or [mh “costs and cost analysis”] or (cost):ti,ab,kw
#7 [mh “patient preference”] or (patient preference):ti,ab,kw
#8 “#1 and #2 and #3with Cochrane Library publication date Between Jan 1994 and Mar 2020”
#9 #4 or #5 or #6 or #7
#10 #8 and #9
CQ5#1 (BRCA1遺伝子/TH or BRCA1遺伝子/AL) or (BRCA2遺伝子/TH or BRCA2遺伝子/AL) or BRCA/AL or 乳癌遺伝子/AL
#2 遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TH or 遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/AL or HBOC/AL or 卵巣腫瘍/TH and or卵巣癌/AL or 卵巣がん/AL or 乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL or 乳がん/AL or 乳房癌/AL or 乳腺癌/AL or 乳腺がん/AL
#3 低用量/AL and (経口避妊剤/TH or 経口避妊薬/AL or (経口/AL and 避妊/AL))
#4 #1 and #2 and #3
#5 #4 and (DT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31) and (LA=日本語,英語 and PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト)
#6 #1 and #2 and (経口避妊剤/TH or 経口避妊薬/AL or (経口/AL and 避妊/AL))
#7 #6 and (DT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31) and (LA=日本語,英語 and PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト)
CQ6#1 Search: BRCA*[All Fields] or “Genes, BRCA1”[MeSH Terms] or “Genes, BRCA2”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA1 Protein”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA2 Protein”[MeSH Terms]
#2 Search: “HRT”[All Fields] OR ((“hormone replacement therapy”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“hormone”[All Fields] AND “replacement”[All Fields]) AND “therapy”[All Fields])) OR “hormone replacement therapy”[All Fields]) OR ((“oestrogen replacement therapy”[All Fields] OR “estrogen replacement therapy”[MeSH Terms]) OR ((“estrogen”[All Fields] AND “replacement”[All Fields]) AND “therapy”[All Fields])) OR “estrogen replacement therapy”[All Fields]
#3 Search: “drug-related side effects and adverse reactions”[MeSH Terms] OR “drug related side effects and adverse reactions”[All Fields] OR “adverse effects”[MeSH Subheading] OR (“adverse”[All Fields] AND “effect*”[All Fields]) OR “adverse effect*”[All Fields] OR (“side”[All Fields] AND “effect*”[All Fields]) OR “side effect*”[All Fields]
#4 Search: (((((((“health care costs”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“health”[All Fields] AND “care”[All Fields]) AND “cost*”[All Fields])) OR “health care cost*”[All Fields]) OR ((“health”[All Fields] AND “care”[All Fields]) AND “cost”[All Fields])) OR “health care cost”[All Fields]) OR “treatment cost*”[All Fields]) OR “healthcare cost*”[All Fields]) OR “medical care cost*”[All Fields]) OR (((((“economics”[MeSH Subheading] OR “economics”[All Fields]) OR “cost”[All Fields]) OR “costs and cost analysis”[MeSH Terms]) OR ((“costs”[All Fields] AND “cost”[All Fields]) AND “analysis”[All Fields])) OR “costs and cost analysis”[All Fields])
#5 Search: (“patient preference”[MeSH Terms] OR (“patient”[All Fields] AND “preference”[All Fields])) OR “patient preference”[All Fields]
#6 Search: “QOL”[All Fields] OR ((“quality of life”[MeSH Terms] OR (“quality”[All Fields] AND “life”[All Fields])) OR “quality of life”[All Fields])
#7 Search: (((“breast neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR (“breast”[All Fields] AND “neoplasms”[All Fields])) OR “breast neoplasms”[All Fields]) OR (“breast”[All Fields] AND “cancer”[All Fields])) OR “breast cancer”[All Fields]
#8 Search: #1 and #2
#9 Search: #3 or #4 or #5 or #6
#10 Search: #8 and #9
#11 Search: #10 and #7
#12 Search: #11 AND (1994/01[DP]:2020/03[DP]) AND (English[la] or japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[MH] NOT Humans[MH])
CQ6#1 (BRCA*):ti,ab,kw or [mh “Genes, BRCA1”] or [mh “Genes, BRCA2”] or [mh “BRCA1 Protein”] or [mh “BRCA2 Protein”]
#2 [mh “hormone replacement therapy”] or (HRT):ti,ab,kw or (oestrogen replacement therapy):ti,ab,kw or (hormone replacement therapy):ti,ab,kw or (estrogen replacement therapy):ti,ab,kw
#3 #1 and #2 with Cochrane Library publication date Between Jan 1994 and Mar 2020
#4 [mh “drug-related side effects and adverse reactions”] or (side effect*):ti,ab,kw or (adverse effect*):ti,ab,kw or [mh “ovarian neoplasms”/AE] or [mh “breast neoplasms”/AE] with Cochrane Library publication date Between Jan 1994 and Mar 2020
#5 [mh “health care costs”] or [mh “costs and cost analysis”] or (cost):ti,ab,kw
#6 [mh “patient preference”] or (patient preference):ti,ab,kw
#7 [mh “quality of life”] or (“quality of life”):ti,ab,kw or (QOL):ti,ab,kw
#8 [mh “breast neoplasms”] or (breast cancer):ti,ab,kw
#9 #3 and (#4 or # 5 or #6 or #7) with Cochrane Library publication date Between Jan 1994 and Mar 2020
#10 #9 and #8
CQ6#1 (BRCA1遺伝子/TH or BRCA1遺伝子/AL) or (BRCA2遺伝子/TH or BRCA2遺伝子/AL) or BRCA/AL or 乳癌遺伝子/AL
#2 ホルモン補充療法/TH or エストロゲン代償療法/TH and ホルモン補充療法/AL or ホルモン代償療法/AL or ホルモン補充/AL or HRT/AL
#3 医薬品副作用と有害反応/TH or 副作用/AL or 有害反応/AL or 有害作用or/AL and 毒性/AL or 薬物反応/AL
#4 (医療費/TH or 費用/AL)
#5 (患者の好み/TH or 患者の意向/AL)
#6 (生活の質/TH or QOL/AL) or (生活の質/TH or 生活の質/AL)
#7 (乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)
#8 #3 or #4 or #5 or #6
#9 #1 and #2 and #8
#10 #9 and (DT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31)
#11 (#10) and (LA=日本語,英語 PT=会議録除く CK=ヒト)
#12 #1 and #2
#13 #12 and (DT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31) and (LA=日本語,英語 and PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト)
#14 #2 and #7 and #8
#15 #14 and (DT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31) and (LA=日本語,英語 and PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト)
#16 (#15) and (PT=原著論文,総説)
FQ1#1 RRSO[tiab] OR Risk Reducing Salpingo-oophorectomy[tw] OR “Salpingo-Oophorectomy”[mh] OR “Prophylactic Surgical Procedures”[mh]
#2 “Peritoneal Neoplasms”[mh] OR peritoneal carcinomatosis[tiab] OR peritoneal carcinomatoses[tiab] OR peritonial carcinoma[tiab]
#3 (#1 AND #2) AND (English[la] OR Japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[mh] NOT Humans[mh]) AND (1994/01[dp]:2020/03[dp])
FQ1#1 (“rrso” or “risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy”):ti,ab,kw
#2 #1 in Cochrane Reviews
#3 #1 in Trials
FQ1#1 RRSO/TA or リスク低減/TA or 卵巣摘出/TA or 卵巣摘出術/TH or 卵管摘出/TA or 卵管摘出術/TH or 予防的手術/TH
#2 腹膜癌/TA or 腹膜腫瘍/TH
#3 サーベイランス/TA or 観察/TA or 診断/TA or 超音波/TA or PET-CA/TA or 画像診断/TH
#4 (#1 and #2 and #3) and (PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト) and ((PDAT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31) or (IDAT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31)) and (DT=1994:2020)
FQ2#1 Search: BRCA*[TIAB] or “Genes, BRCA1”[MeSH Terms] or “Genes, BRCA2”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA1 Protein”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA2 Protein”[MeSH Terms]
#2 Search: (((“ovarian neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR (“ovarian”[TIAB] AND “neoplasms”[TIAB])) OR “ovarian neoplasms”[TIAB]) OR (“ovarian”[TIAB] AND “cancer”[TIAB])) OR “ovarian cancer”[TIAB]
#3 Search: (((“fertility preservation”[MeSH Terms] OR (“fertility”[All Fields] AND “preservation”[All Fields])) OR “fertility preservation”[All Fields]) and ((“organ sparing treatments”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“organ”[All Fields] AND “sparing”[All Fields]) AND “treatment*”[All Fields])) OR “organ sparing treatment*”[All Fields] )) or (((((“fertiles”[All Fields] OR “fertility”[MeSH Terms]) OR “fertility”[All Fields]) OR “fertile”[All Fields]) OR “fertilities”[All Fields]) AND (((“spare”[All Fields] OR “spared”[All Fields]) OR “spares”[All Fields]) OR “sparing”[All Fields]) AND ((((((((((“surgery”[MeSH Subheading] OR “surgery”[All Fields]) OR “surgical procedures, operative”[MeSH Terms]) OR ((“surgical”[All Fields] AND “procedures”[All Fields]) AND “operative”[All Fields])) OR “operative surgical procedures”[All Fields]) OR “general surgery”[MeSH Terms]) OR (“general”[All Fields] AND “surgery”[All Fields])) OR “general surgery”[All Fields]) OR “surgery s”[All Fields]) OR “surgerys”[All Fields]) OR “surgeries”[All Fields]))
#4 Search: (“pregnancy outcome”[MeSH Terms] OR (“pregnancy”[All Fields] AND “outcome*”[All Fields])) OR “pregnancy outcome*”[All Fields]
#5 Search: (((“breast neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR (“breast”[All Fields] AND “neoplasms”[All Fields])) OR “breast neoplasms”[All Fields]) OR (“breast”[All Fields] AND “cancer”[All Fields])) OR “breast cancer”[All Fields]
#6 Search: ((“ovarian”[All Fields] OR “ovarians”[All Fields]) AND (((((((((((((((((((“functional”[All Fields] OR “functional s”[All Fields]) OR “functionalities”[All Fields]) OR “functionality”[All Fields]) OR “functionalization”[All Fields]) OR “functionalizations”[All Fields]) OR “functionalize”[All Fields]) OR “functionalized”[All Fields]) OR “functionalizes”[All Fields]) OR “functionalizing”[All Fields]) OR “functionally”[All Fields]) OR “functionals”[All Fields]) OR “functioned”[All Fields]) OR “functioning”[All Fields]) OR “functionings”[All Fields]) OR “functions”[All Fields]) OR “physiology”[MeSH Subheading]) OR “physiology”[All Fields]) OR “function”[All Fields]) OR “physiology”[MeSH Terms])) or ((((“ovarian function tests”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“ovarian”[All Fields] AND “function”[All Fields]) AND “tests”[All Fields])) OR “ovarian function tests”[All Fields]) OR ((“ovarian”[All Fields] AND “function”[All Fields]) AND “test”[All Fields])) OR “ovarian function test”[All Fields])
#7 Search: #1 and #2 and #3
#8 Search: #7 and (#4 or #5 or #6)
#9 Search: #8 AND (1994/01[DP]:2020/03[DP]) AND (English[la] or japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[MH] NOT Humans[MH])
#10 Search: #7 AND (1994/01[DP]:2020/03[DP]) AND (English[la] or japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[MH] NOT Humans[MH])
#11 Search: #2 and #3
#12 Search: #11 AND (1994/01[DP]:2020/03[DP]) AND (English[la] or japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[MH] NOT Humans[MH])
#13 Search: #4 or #5 or #6
#14 Search: #13 and #11
#15 Search: #12 AND (“Cochrane Database Syst Rev”[TA] OR “Meta-Analysis”[PT] OR “Practice Guideline”[PT] OR “Guideline”[PT] OR “Guidelines as Topic”[MH] OR Review[PT] OR meta-analysis[TIAB] OR guideline*[TI] OR “systematic review”[TIAB] OR review[TI] OR overview[TI])
#16 Search: #12 AND (“Clinical Trials as Topic”[Mesh] OR “Clinical Trial” [PT] OR ((clinical trial* OR clinical stud* OR random* OR controlled trial*) NOT medline[SB]))
#17 Search: #12 AND (“Research Design”[Mesh] OR ” Epidemiologic Study Characteristics “[Mesh] OR “Study Characteristics” [PT] OR ((cohort* OR comparative stud*) NOT medline[SB]))
FQ2#1 (BRCA*):ti,ab,kw or [mh “Genes, BRCA1”] or [mh “Genes, BRCA2”] or [mh “BRCA1 Protein”] or [mh “BRCA2 Protein”]
#2 [mh “salpingectomy”] or (salpingectomy*):ti,ab,kw or [mh “ovariectomy”] or (ovariectom*):ti,ab,kw or (oophorectom*):ti,ab,kw
#3 ([mh “risk reduction behavior”] or (risk reduction behavior):ti,ab,kw or ((risk reduction) and (suger*)):ti,ab,kw or (RRS):ti,ab,kw) or ((([mh “risk”] or (risk):ti,ab,kw) and (reduce*):ti,ab,kw and ([mh “salpingo-oophorectomy”] or (salpingo oophorectomy):ti,ab,kw)) or (RRSO):ti,ab,kw)
#4 [mh “genetic counseling”] or (genetic counseling):ti,ab,kw
#5 [mh “etiology”] or (etiolog*):ti,ab,kw or (pathogenesis):ti,ab,kw
#6 [mh “health care costs”] or [mh “costs and cost analysis”] or (cost):ti,ab,kw
#7 [mh “patient preference”] or (patient preference):ti,ab,kw
#8 #1 and #2 and #3
#9 #4 or #5 or #6 or #7
#10 #8 and #9 with Cochrane Library publication date Between Jan 1994 and Mar 2020
#11 #2 and #3 with Cochrane Library publication date Between Jan 1994 and Mar 2020
FQ2#1 (BRCA1遺伝子/TH or BRCA1遺伝子/AL) or (BRCA2遺伝子/TH or BRCA2遺伝子/AL) or BRCA/AL or 乳癌遺伝子/AL
#2 (卵管/TH or 卵管/AL) and (予防的手術/TH or リスク低減手術/AL or 予防手術/AL or 予防的切除/AL)
#3 (遺伝相談/TH or 遺伝カウンセリング/AL) or (カウンセラー/AL or カウンセリング/AL) and (遺伝的/AL or 遺伝/AL)
#4 病因/AL
#5 医療費/TH or 費用/AL or 医療費/AL
#6 患者の好み/TH or 患者の意向/AL
#7 #1 and #2
#8 #3 or #4 or #5 or #6
#9 #7 and #8
#10 #9 and (DT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31) and (LA=日本語,英語 and PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト)
FQ3#1 Search: BRCA*[TIAB] or “Genes, BRCA1”[MeSH Terms] or “Genes, BRCA2”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA1 Protein”[MeSH Terms] or “BRCA2 Protein”[MeSH Terms]
#2 Search: (((“salpingectomy”[MeSH Terms] OR “salpingectomy”[TIAB] OR “salpingectomies”[TIAB]) AND (“ovariectomy”[MeSH Terms] OR “ovariectomy”[TIAB] OR “oophorectomies”[TIAB] OR “oophorectomy”[TIAB]))) OR “PSDO” [TIAB]
#3 Search: (((((((((“risk reduction behavior”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“risk”[TIAB] AND “reduction”[TIAB]) AND “behavior”[TIAB])) OR “risk reduction behavior”[TIAB]) OR (“risk”[TIAB] AND “reduction”[TIAB])) OR “risk reduction”[TIAB]) OR “adaptation, psychological”[MeSH Terms]) OR (“adaptation”[TIAB] AND “psychological”[TIAB])) OR “psychological adaptation”[TIAB]) OR (“risk”[TIAB] AND “reduction”[TIAB])) AND ((((((((((“surgery”[MeSH Subheading] OR “surgery”[TIAB]) OR “surgical procedures, operative”[MeSH Terms]) OR ((“surgical”[TIAB] AND “procedures”[TIAB]) AND “operative”[TIAB])) OR “operative surgical procedures”[TIAB]) OR “general surgery”[MeSH Terms]) OR (“general”[TIAB] AND “surgery”[TIAB])) OR “general surgery”[TIAB]) OR “surgery s”[TIAB]) OR “surgerys”[TIAB]) OR “surgeries”[TIAB]) OR “RRS”[TIAB]) OR ((“risk”[MeSH Terms] OR “risk”[TIAB]) AND (((“reduce”[TIAB] OR “reduced”[TIAB]) OR “reduces”[TIAB]) OR “reducing”[TIAB]) AND (((“salpingo-oophorectomy”[MeSH Terms] OR “salpingo oophorectomy”[TIAB]) OR (“salpingo”[TIAB] AND “oophorectomy”[TIAB])) OR “salpingo oophorectomy”[TIAB]) OR “RRSO”[TIAB])
#4 Search: ((“genetic counselling”[All Fields] OR “genetic counseling”[MeSH Terms]) OR (“genetic”[All Fields] AND “counseling”[All Fields])) OR “genetic counseling”[All Fields] OR (“prenatal”[All Fields] AND “genetic”[All Fields] AND “counseling”[All Fields]) OR “prenatal genetic counseling”[All Fields]
#5 Search: “etiology”[MeSH Subheading] OR “etiology”[All Fields] OR “pathogenesis”[All Fields]
#6 Search: (((((((“health care costs”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“health”[All Fields] AND “care”[All Fields]) AND “cost*”[All Fields])) OR “health care cost*”[All Fields]) OR ((“health”[All Fields] AND “care”[All Fields]) AND “cost”[All Fields])) OR “health care cost”[All Fields]) OR “treatment cost*”[All Fields]) OR “healthcare cost*”[All Fields]) OR “medical care cost*”[All Fields]) OR (((((“economics”[MeSH Subheading] OR “economics”[All Fields]) OR “cost”[All Fields]) OR “costs and cost analysis”[MeSH Terms]) OR ((“costs”[All Fields] AND “cost”[All Fields]) AND “analysis”[All Fields])) OR “costs and cost analysis”[All Fields])
#7 Search: (“patient preference”[MeSH Terms] OR (“patient”[All Fields] AND “preference”[All Fields])) OR “patient preference”[All Fields]
#8 Search: #1 and #2 and #3
#9 Search: #4 or #5 or #6 or #7
#10 Search: #8 and #9
#11 Search: #10 AND (1994/01[DP]:2020/03[DP]) AND (English[la] or japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[MH] NOT Humans[MH])
#12 Search: #2 and #3 AND (1994/01[DP]:2020/03[DP]) AND (English[la] or japanese[la]) NOT (Animals[MH] NOT Humans[MH])
#13 Search: #12 and #1
#14 Search: #12 NOT #13
FQ3#1 (BRCA*):ti,ab,kw or [mh “Genes, BRCA1”] or [mh “Genes, BRCA2”] or [mh “BRCA1 Protein”] or [mh “BRCA2 Protein”]
#2 [mh “salpingectomy”] or (salpingectomy*):ti,ab,kw or [mh “ovariectomy”] or (ovariectom*):ti,ab,kw or (oophorectom*):ti,ab,kw
#3 ([mh “risk reduction behavior”] or (risk reduction behavior):ti,ab,kw or ((risk reduction) and (suger*)):ti,ab,kw or (RRS):ti,ab,kw) or ((([mh “risk”] or (risk):ti,ab,kw) and (reduce*):ti,ab,kw and ([mh “salpingo-oophorectomy”] or (salpingo oophorectomy):ti,ab,kw)) or (RRSO):ti,ab,kw)
#4 [mh “genetic counseling”] or (genetic counseling):ti,ab,kw
#5 [mh “etiology”] or (etiolog*):ti,ab,kw or (pathogenesis):ti,ab,kw
#6 [mh “health care costs”] or [mh “costs and cost analysis”] or (cost):ti,ab,kw
#7 [mh “patient preference”] or (patient preference):ti,ab,kw
#8 #1 and #2 and #3
#9 #4 or #5 or #6 or #7
#10 #8 and #9 with Cochrane Library publication date Between Jan 1994 and Mar 2020
#11 #2 and #3 with Cochrane Library publication date Between Jan 1994 and Mar 2020
FQ3#1 (BRCA1遺伝子/TH or BRCA1遺伝子/AL) or (BRCA2遺伝子/TH or BRCA2遺伝子/AL) or BRCA/AL or 乳癌遺伝子/AL
#2 (卵管/TH or 卵管/AL) and (予防的手術/TH or リスク低減手術/AL or 予防手術/AL or 予防的切除/AL)
#3 (遺伝相談/TH or 遺伝カウンセリング/AL) or (カウンセラー/AL or カウンセリング/AL) and (遺伝的/AL or 遺伝/AL)
#4 病因/AL
#5 医療費/TH or 費用/AL or 医療費/AL
#6 患者の好み/TH or 患者の意向/AL
#7 #1 and #2
#8 #3 or #4 or #5 or #6
#9 #7 and #8
#10 #9 and (DT=1994/1/1:2020/3/31) and (LA=日本語,英語 and PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト)

-4. 前立腺癌領域

CQ1   (((((“brca*”[Text Word] OR ((“germ-line mutation”[MeSH Terms] OR “germline”[Title/Abstract]) OR “germ-line”[Title/Abstract])) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms]) AND (“prostate cancer”[Title/Abstract] OR “prostatic neoplasms”[MeSH Terms])) AND (((“prostate-specific antigen”[MeSH Terms] OR “psa”[Title/Abstract]) OR “magnetic resonance imaging”[MeSH Terms]) OR (“surveillance”[Title/Abstract] OR “screening”[Title/Abstract]))) AND (“English”[Language] OR “Japanese”[Language])) AND 1994/1/1:2020/3/31[Date – Publication]PubMed
#1 遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TA or (腫瘍症候群-遺伝性/TH or 遺伝性腫瘍症候群/AL) or HBOC/TA or BRCA/AL or 生殖細胞系変異/TH
#2 前立腺腫瘍/TH or 前立腺癌/TA
#3 #1 and #2
#4 (前立腺特異抗原/TH or PSA/AL)
#5 #1 and #4
#6 (集団検診/TH or スクリーニング/AL)
#7 (集団サーベイランス/TH or サーベイランス/AL)
#8 #6 or #7
#9 #3 and #8
#10 #5 or #9
#11 (#10) and (PT=会議録除く)
FQ1(((((“brca*”[Text Word] OR ((“germ-line mutation”[MeSH Terms] OR “germline”[Title/Abstract]) OR “germ-line”[Title/Abstract])) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms]) AND (“prostate cancer”[Title/Abstract] OR “prostatic neoplasms”[MeSH Terms])) AND ((“Genetic Testing”[MeSH Terms] OR ((“genetic test”[Title/Abstract] OR “Genetic Testing”[Title/Abstract]) OR “genetic screening”[Title/Abstract])) OR “family history”[Title/Abstract])) AND (“English”[Language] OR “Japanese”[Language])) AND 1994/1/1:2020/3/31[Date – Publication]PubMed
(((前立腺腫瘍/TH or 前立腺癌/TA) and (((遺伝学的検査/TH or 遺伝学的検査/AL)) or (BRCA/AL) or (生殖細胞系変異/TH) or (lynch/AL)))) and (PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト)医中誌
FQ2((((((“brca*”[Text Word] OR ((“germ-line mutation”[MeSH Terms] OR “germline”[Title/Abstract]) OR “germ-line”[Title/Abstract])) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms]) AND (“prostate cancer”[Title/Abstract] OR “prostatic neoplasms”[MeSH Terms])) AND (“Therapeutics”[MeSH Terms] OR “therapy”[MeSH Subheading])) AND (((((((((“randomized controlled trial”[Publication Type] OR “controlled clinical trial”[Publication Type]) OR “randomized”[Title/Abstract]) OR “placebo”[Title/Abstract]) OR “drug therapy”[MeSH Subheading]) OR “randomly”[Title/Abstract]) OR “trial”[Title/Abstract]) OR “groups”[Title/Abstract]) NOT (“animals”[MeSH Terms] NOT “humans”[MeSH Terms])) OR (“systematic”[Filter] OR “meta-analysis”[Publication Type]))) AND (“English”[Language] OR “Japanese”[Language])) AND 1994/1/1:2020/3/31[Date – Publication]PubMed
(((((前立腺腫瘍/TH or 前立腺癌/TA) and ((BRCA/AL) or (生殖細胞系変異/TH) or (腫瘍症候群-遺伝性/TH or 遺伝性腫瘍症候群/AL)))) and (PT=会議録除く))) and (DT=1994:2020)医中誌

-5. 膵癌領域

CQ1   (((((((“Pancreatic Neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR “pancreatic cancer”[Title/Abstract]) AND ((“brca*”[Text Word] OR “Mutation”[Text Word]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) OR “pancreatic neoplasms/genetics”[MeSH Terms]) AND “drug therapy”[MeSH Subheading]) AND (((((((“randomized controlled trial”[Publication Type] OR “controlled clinical trial”[Publication Type]) OR “randomized”[Title/Abstract]) OR “placebo”[Title/Abstract]) OR “clinical trials as topic”[MeSH Terms:noexp]) OR “randomly”[Title/Abstract]) OR “trial”[Title]) NOT (“animals”[MeSH Terms] NOT “humans”[MeSH Terms]))) OR (((((“Pancreatic Neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR “pancreatic cancer”[Title/Abstract]) AND ((“brca*”[Text Word] OR “Mutation”[Text Word]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) OR “pancreatic neoplasms/genetics”[MeSH Terms]) AND “drug therapy”[MeSH Subheading]) AND (“systematic”[Filter] OR “meta-analysis”[Publication Type]))) AND (“English”[Language] OR “Japanese”[Language])) AND 1994/1/1:2020/3/31[Date – Publication]PubMed
(((((((((膵臓腫瘍/TH or 膵臓癌/AL)) and (遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TA or 腫瘍症候群-遺伝性/TH or 遺伝性腫瘍症候群/AL or HBOC/TA or BRCA/AL or 変異/TH))) and (SH=薬物療法)) or ((((膵臓腫瘍/TH or 膵臓癌/AL)) and (遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TA or 腫瘍症候群-遺伝性/TH or 遺伝性腫瘍症候群/AL or HBOC/TA or BRCA/AL or 変異/TH)) and ((“Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibitors”/TH) or (PARP/TA) or (白金化合物/TH))))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト))) and (PT=原著論文,総説)医中誌
FQ1(((((“Pancreatic Neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR “pancreatic cancer”[Title/Abstract]) AND ((“brca*”[Text Word] OR “Mutation”[Text Word]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) OR “pancreatic neoplasms/genetics”[MeSH Terms]) AND “genetic testing”[MeSH Terms]) AND (“English”[Language] OR “Japanese”[Language])) AND 1994/1/1:2020/3/31[Date – Publication]PubMed
((膵臓腫瘍/TH or 膵臓癌/AL)) and ((遺伝学的検査/TH or 遺伝学的検査/AL)) and ((BRCA/AL) or (生殖細胞系変異/TH))医中誌
FQ2((((“Pancreatic Neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR “pancreatic cancer”[Title/Abstract]) AND ((“brca*”[Text Word] OR “Mutation”[Text Word]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) OR “pancreatic neoplasms/genetics”[MeSH Terms]) AND (“screening”[Title/Abstract] OR “surveillance”[Title/Abstract])) AND “diagnostic imaging”[MeSH Terms]PubMed
((((((膵臓腫瘍/TH or 膵臓癌/AL)) and (遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TA or 腫瘍症候群-遺伝性/TH or 遺伝性腫瘍症候群/AL or HBOC/TA or BRCA/AL or 変異/TH) and (((集団検診/TH or スクリーニング/AL)) or ((集団サーベイランス/TH or サーベイランス/AL)) or ((画像診断/TH or 画像診断/AL))))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト))) and (PT=原著論文,総説)医中誌

-6. 悪性黒色腫領域

FQ1   (((“melanoma”[MeSH Terms] OR “melanoma”[Title/Abstract]) AND “brca*”[Text Word]) AND (“English”[Language] OR “Japanese”[Language])) AND 1994/1/1:2020/3/31[Date – Publication]PubMed
(((((((((黒色腫/TH or 悪性黒色腫/AL)) or (メラノーマ/TA)) and (遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TA or 腫瘍症候群-遺伝性/TH or 遺伝性腫瘍症候群/AL or HBOC/TA or BRCA/AL or 変異/TH))) and (PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト))) and (PT=原著論文,総説))) and (DT=1994:2020)医中誌

-7. 疫学領域

FQ1   (((((“breast neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR “breast cancer”[Title/Abstract]) AND ((“brca*”[Text Word] OR “Mutation”[Text Word]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND ((((((“Smoking”[MeSH Terms] OR “Alcohol Drinking”[MeSH Terms]) OR “Body Mass Index”[MeSH Terms]) OR “Pregnancy”[MeSH Terms]) OR “contraceptives, oral”[MeSH Terms]) OR “Exercise”[MeSH Terms]) OR “Food”[MeSH Terms])) AND (“Epidemiologic Studies”[MeSH Terms] OR (“systematic”[Filter] OR “meta-analysis”[Publication Type]))) AND (“English”[Language] OR “Japanese”[Language])) AND 1994/1/1:2020/3/31[Date – Publication]PubMed
(((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TA or 腫瘍症候群-遺伝性/TH or 遺伝性腫瘍症候群/AL or HBOC/TA or BRCA/AL or 変異/TH) and ((食行動/TH or 食生活/AL) or (ライフスタイル/TH or 生活習慣/AL) or (タバコ喫煙/TH or 喫煙/AL) or (Alcohols/TH) or (BMI/TH or BMI/AL) or ((身体運動/TH or 運動/AL)) or ((飲酒/TH or 飲酒/AL)) or ([疫学要因]/TH) or ((妊娠/TH or 妊娠/AL)) or ((授乳/TH or 授乳/AL)) or ((避妊剤/TH or 避妊薬/AL))) and ((乳房腫瘍/TH or 乳癌/AL)))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト))) and (PT=原著論文,総説)医中誌
FQ2((((“ovarian neoplasms”[MeSH Terms] OR “ovarian cancer”[Title/Abstract]) AND ((“brca*”[Text Word] OR “Mutation”[Text Word]) OR “neoplastic syndromes, hereditary”[MeSH Terms])) AND ((((((“Smoking”[MeSH Terms] OR “Alcohol Drinking”[MeSH Terms]) OR “Body Mass Index”[MeSH Terms]) OR “Pregnancy”[MeSH Terms]) OR “contraceptives, oral”[MeSH Terms]) OR “Exercise”[MeSH Terms]) OR “Food”[MeSH Terms])) AND (“English”[Language] OR “Japanese”[Language])) AND 1994/1/1:2020/3/31[Date – Publication]PubMed
(((((遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群/TA or 腫瘍症候群-遺伝性/TH or 遺伝性腫瘍症候群/AL or HBOC/TA or BRCA/AL or 変異/TH) and ((食行動/TH or 食生活/AL) or (ライフスタイル/TH or 生活習慣/AL) or (タバコ喫煙/TH or 喫煙/AL) or (Alcohols/TH) or (BMI/TH or BMI/AL) or ((身体運動/TH or 運動/AL)) or ((飲酒/TH or 飲酒/AL)) or ([疫学要因]/TH) or ((妊娠/TH or 妊娠/AL)) or ((授乳/TH or 授乳/AL)) or ((避妊剤/TH or 避妊薬/AL))) and ((卵巣腫瘍/TH or 卵巣癌/AL)))) and (DT=1994:2020 and PT=会議録除く and CK=ヒト))) and (PT=原著論文,総説)医中誌
